Saturday, August 8, 2009

Well... how to kick this thing off?

How about my grandson Addison? I mean, it's a subject that fascinates me. I can't get enough of the little tacker and believe me (and this is not the ravings of an amazed grandfather), he is really something.

Get this... 2yrs 9mnths old (born 2/11/2006) and as sharp as a tack! I'm sitting in my office doing stuff, and I hear in the background the light scrape of kitchen chairs being dragged across the tiles. Quietly, mind you, so as not to arouse too much concern on the part of anyone in earshot. So right away, I know what's happening, but decide just to leave it a bit longer... no great rush... while the chair is scraping, it's not being put to any dangerous use... just scraping across the tiles.

Well the scraping stops and I almost got up to have a look... but... after about 15 seconds, it starts again. Same deal... let it go, don't worry, and then after a little bit, when its gone quiet, we'll see to it then. Well, the scraping stopped and I though - "time to have a look", and I was amazed. Here he is; little Addi, just over 2 1/2 years old, with a kitchen high stool right next to the fridge, his little play chair (1/4 size) on top of the high stool, and... with another high stool right behind the first!

The objective? Well after some careful study, he realised that the cupboard above the fridge was the one that hid the jellybeans.  The jellybeans were his treat if he did his business in a potty and not in his nappy. I thought I was on top of things, but blew that one! He'd already been up, grabbed the jellybeans and was already back down.  His face, split with a smile, was proud as he showed me his prize.  All I could do was shake my head in disbelief and laugh.

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